Wheat Varieties

AAC Leroy VB
- Good standability but taller then our other wheat varieties
- Responds well to intensive management and high plant populations
- Wheat midge tolerant and MR to FHB
- Maturity = 99 days
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SY Rowyn
- Good straw strength and protein
- Very good disease resistance - including strong tolerance to FHB infection
- Performs very well under wet conditions
- Maturity = 100 days
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AAC Hockley
- Short semi-dwarf, stands well and good lodging resistance
- Good protein, threshes well
- Consistently high yield performance
- Good disease package
- Maturity = 101 days
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SY Manness
- Very short semi-dwarf
- Very high yield potential
- Very good standability and lodging resistance
- Offers improved protein similar to Carberry
- Maturity = 100 days
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