Soybean Varieties

NSC Holland RR2X
- 2400 CHU, 00.3 RM
- Tall, semi-bush
- Suitable for up to 20 inch rows
- Strong IDC and white mold tolerance
- High yielding for its maturity
- Has largest seed size in NSG lineup 3 years in a row
- Can be grown on many different soil types (grown as far north as Fisher Branch and west to the Saskatchewan border)
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NSC Winkler RR2X
- 2500 CHU, 00.8 RM
- Tallest, bushiest variety in NS lineup
- Very good full season variety
- Can be grown on all types of row spacing
- Handles tough soil extremely well
- Very strong IDC
- Has SCN resistant package
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NSC Homewood RR2X NEW!
- 2450 CHU, 00.6 RM
- Tall, semi-bush (bushier than Holland)
- Can be grown on all types of row spacing (up to 30 inches)
- Very high yielding
- Very exciting variety with strong potential
- Very strong IDC package
- Handles tough soils well
- Acts a little earlier than a 2450
- Launch year so seed will be limited
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- 2475 CHU, 00.6 RM
- Medium to tall height with excellent standability
- Outstanding early-season vigor, excellent white mold, idc tolerance and has an excellent disease package
- Handles extreme wet conditions well
- Well suited across all soil types and row widths
- Extremely popular variety and Bayer's #1 Variety
- Acts slightly earlier then a 2450
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DKB007-91XF NEW!
- 2475 CHU, 00.7 RM
- Branchy, medium height variety
- Excellent standability
- Well adapted to all row widths and soil types
- Excels in moderate to high fertility environments and makes a good fit for no till
- Xtendflex (Liberty and Dicamba tolerant)
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- 2475 CHU, 00.8 RM
- Medium to tall variety but may shorten up in tougher growing conditions
- Excellent standability and performs well in no till
- Consistent performance across all soil types and yield environments tested
- Suited for row spacing up to 30 inches
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